
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Aditi wants to try new things

Aditi has decided to leave small things be and move on to bigger challenges.

However, in continuation of the Saga of the Spoon, when i feed her something she likes, specifically a piece of boiled carrot or aloo, she catches hold of my hand and guides it to her mouth. Almost as if she doesn't trust my hand to make the journey from the plate to her mouth and the deposit the piece of vegeable(Holy-moly, does she think i will guide it to my mouth instead???). And things which she doesn't like, specifically rice, she continues to express her disgust in her usual elegant and lady-like manner - "phoooooooooooh!".

But the Battle for the Custody of the Spoon is in truce for now and like i said, we moved on to bigger things. like wanting to drive the car.

Whenever i feel i have not done much work today or i need a workout for my hands, i suggest a drive in the car. Santosh is the one who drives and the rest of us r in the back-seat(as per traffic safety-rules toddlers must be in a car-seat or with elders in the back-seat). The first few days it was fine, Aditi gazing at wonder in the moving scenery. Then slowly it started. Actually it began when Appa started turning to her at red-signals and playing with her during that time. Nidhi would watch for the green and tell Appa to turn to face to steering-wheel then. All this laughter and fun excited Aditi and she was quick to realise all the fun is in the front - with Appa. Lo, even when he's driving she wants to go to him. Apparently, the way she lunges for him, she thinks he will even allow her to drive the car. Meanwhile, my biceps have grown well at the excercise of holding back an extremely energetic and determied baby. Thanks for all ur help, Aditi.

Ok, we heard 'appapapapa' and now 'akkakakakaka' quite clearly and lot of other things like 'adadadadada', 'tatatata', 'yayayayaya', etc. 'Ma' or something similar was heard exactly twice. But, i am not complaining. In fact, my heart is jumping with joy... after being called so many times i am now officially "Aatha!" We prove Chennai is in our blood somewhere!

And yes, couple of weeks ago, Aditi sat up on her own. Cheers!


  1. Lol! ......Aatha! heheheee......How very Chennai Indeed!

    1. I think i shd be thankful it's not maari-aatha! ;-)
