
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ignorance is... funny!

Nidhi likes to talk. Whenever we r doing something with her, you can expect that u will be entertained with non-stop chatter. we usually encourage her to do this coz it helps/amazes us to understand how/what she's thinking.
One such day last week when she was getting ready to go to school, she starts talking. it usually is some random subject and she started telling me abt when she was younger, she thought when we move houses we'll shift the toilets as well! :-)) She has lived the first 5 years of her life in the same house in this foreign country(unlike her mom who had stayed in 3 cities(obviously shifted house and school) when she was that age!). Later when we started searching for a new house to move to, she tells me now, she was surprised to see toilets in the new houses. it was then it dawned on her that every house has it's own toilet and we don't need to carry them with us! :-)

When we r children, we make many such assumptions too and don't realise for a long long time. i told her a couple of incidents from my childhood.

(a) i didn't realise humpty-dumpty was an egg(until recently)! even though i had seen many pics beside the rhyme, i always thought it was a strange-looking bald-man. And one day out of the blue when i was singing this rhyme for Aditi, it struck me i was singing abt an egg. But, of course!

(b) When i was small, my most fav activity was going to the beach. And everytime i went there i would fall ill too. Also, the beach was quite far from my house in chennai, so my parents used to tell me 'it's too late today, the beach is closed'. This made me create a pic in my childhood-head that the beach is actually a huge tank of water that's let out for people to play with and at evening all this water gets pushed back and locked up by the watchman. Thankfully, geography lessons start pretty early in school and by Std I or II i was aware of what sea is and how huge it is. But even now whenever anyone says it's too late to go to the beach, i think of the tank and smile!

Nidhi enjoyed hearing these things abt me, and we talked of one more thing from her childhood when she would end the nursery rhyme Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star with :
" a Demon in the sky!"
i would always smile at this and she got thru KG I and II with this particular version of the nursery rhyme and then i half-heartedly corrected her. Ignorance can be fun sometimes!

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